
An expression of my thoughts and my experiences.

The first time I thought of writing a blog was in July 2015 and my first blog was published on 7th July 2020. My fear of criticism and “what will people say” held me back for five years however, now there is no going back. I started writing my first few blogs as reflective pieces and now am trying out new things. I would really love to hear your candid feedback, unfiltered comments, or anything that will help me improve on this path I have chosen for myself.

Re-Calibrating in Cali

A snapshot from my 5th birthday was a single child for the first eight years of my life. They…

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I Did It All By Myself

Where are you going? Actually, I am going to Cairo which is in Egypt.  What is the purpose of your…

My Relationship with Consistency

Right from when I was a child, Mumma took photos of everything! When I was born, when I walked, my…

Perfectly Unorganised

While growing up, my parents emphasized having a neat, tidy, and organized lifestyle. They lived this life around my sister…

The Small Bites Of Happiness

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with…

The Maharaja Thali Of Happiness

While growing up, my parents strongly believed in making me earn the luxuries they could provide. One of the earliest…

The Happy Meal

I can’t call myself a foodie but I enjoy eating good food. I am a big fan of the appetizers…

My Experiences as the Secretary

It was time. I could feel the anxious and excited butterflies in my stomach, not sure of what to expect…

The Forgotten Culture

When I was a child, our lives revolved around board games, books, encyclopedias, and general knowledge quizzes. There was this…

Miles to Go Before I Sleep

Who Am I?How do people see me?How do I see myself?What is my personality?  My mind was filled with these…

Re-Calibrating in Cali

A snapshot from my 5th birthday was a single child for the first eight years of my life. They were…